Youth Peer Advocate Leadership (YPAL) Program


TRAINING: June 17, 18, 20, 25, 27, July 2, 9
INTERNSHIP: July 11, 16, 18, 23, 30
KAN-WIN Park Ridge Office

Youth Peer Advocate Leadership (YPAL) is a program for high school aged people to receive in-depth training on issues of gender-based violence, be in conversation with other young people interested in combating gender-based violence, and explore ways to contribute to the anti-violence movement.

Topics covered include: Gender-based Violence 101 (domestic/sexual violence), Supporting Survivors, Root Causes of Violence, Intersectionality, and prevention education strategies to disrupt and uproot gender-based violence.

Participants will engage in peer-to-peer education throughout the training by selecting one person (e.g. friend, sibling, mentor) to educate on the topics learned during each session.

The YPAL Internship is an optional opportunity for those who have completed YPAL Training. YPAL Interns will work together with their cohort to brainstorm and implement a project that addresses gender-based violence in their community.

Ages 14 - 18
COMPENSATION: Training ($120), Internship ($150) OR volunteer service hours

Applications are due June 3, 2024. Please contact Abbey Zhu, Community Engagement Team Lead, at


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